Mental Health First Aid 2 Days This course is available online (Also delivers the 1 Day MHFA Champion online)
This two day course qualifies you as a Mental Health First Aider, giving you:
An in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further support - whether that’s self-help resources, through their employer, the NHS, or a mix
Cost We value this course at £300 per person.
This is an online course delivered through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub
Learning takes place through four live training sessions, spread across two weeks, with self-learning activities in between. See course structure section below for more detail
Each session is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan
We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn
Everyone who completes the course gets:
A certificate of attendance to say you are a Mental Health First Aider
A manual to refer to whenever you need it
A quick reference card for the Mental Health First Aid action plan
A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support your own mental health
Session 1
Individual learning (1 hour):
Introduction to the Online Mental Health First Aid course and the Online Learning Hub (course overview, safety procedure, attending live sessions, and completing individual learning activities)
Activity 1: Why Mental Health First Aid?
Activity 2: The Mental Health First Aid action plan
Activity 3: What is mental health?
Activity 4: Quiz: Impact of mental health
Activity 5: Stress Container (completed after live session)
Activity 6: Frame of Reference (completed after live session)
Live session (1 hour 45 minutes):
Introduction to course functions
Introduction to the course
ALGEE and mental health introduction recap
Risk and protective factors
10 minute break
Frame of Reference
The Mental Health Continuum
Introduction to the Stress Container
Session 2
Individual learning (2 hours):
Activity 7: What is depression?
Activity 8: Risk factors for depression
Activity 9: Mental Health First Aid for depression
Activity 10: Introduction to suicide
Live session (2 hours 20 minutes):
Recap of individual learning on depression
Prevalence of suicide
Suicide, substance misuse and dual diagnosis
Analyse the impact of suicidal feelings
Recap of ALGEE and risk factors for suicide
Explain Mental Health First Aid action plan 1 for suicide
10 minute break
Explain non-judgemental listening, Empathy video
Practice using ALGEE in case study scenarios
Review of ALGEE for suicide and depression
Session 3
Individual learning (2 hours):
Activity 11: What is anxiety?
Activity 12: Mental Health First Aid for anxiety
Activity 13: What are eating disorders?
Activity 14: Mental Health First Aid for eating disorders
Activity 15: What is self-harm?
Activity 16: Mental Health First Aid for self-harm
Activity 17: What are personality disorders?
Live session (2 hours):
Recap of individual learning of anxiety
Recap of the five basic steps of ALGEE for anxiety
Explain action 1 for anxiety
How to support someone who is having a panic attack
Explain crisis first aid
Practice action 2: non-judgemental listening
10 minute break
Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan for anxiety
Recap of ALGEE for anxiety
Explain cognitive behavioural therapy
Recap of eating disorders and self-harm
Case study for eating disorders and self-harm
Review ALGEE for eating disorders and self-harm
Session 4
Individual learning (2 hours):
Activity 18: What are psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?
Activity 19: Risk factors for psychosis
Activity 20: Mental Health First Aid for psychosis
Activity 21: Helpful and unhelpful responses
Workbook Activity 10: My action plan for using Mental Health First Aid (completed after live session)
Live session (1 hour 55 minutes):
Review of individual learning on psychosis
Explain the development of symptoms of psychosis
Review the five steps of ALGEE for psychosis
Group discussion about MHFA Australia psychosis video
Case study activity using Mental Health First Aid action plan for psychosis
10 minute break
Explore how to build a mentally healthy workplace
Start action plan to use Mental Health First Aid